Sunday, May 9, 2010

Oh, the Weekend!

Oh how I hate working. I really begrudge having to work for a living, well, not really, but I begrudge having to keep an 8-5 schedule in a job that I just see as a paycheck. I don't have anything in common with the people I work with - none of them are educated - actually I think the temps are more educated than the full-time people - all of them have millions of kids each - they seem to like their pointless jobs - and I just feel like an outcast, at best. They are really nice people, unlike the people I used to work with at my last crappy temp job, but this still just feels like a place-marker in my life. My life is crying out for me to divorce it. That's what one recently divorced friend told me: "Maybe you need to divorce your life." Maybe so indeed. I'm plotting and planning ways to do it.

On that note, I love weekends. I haven't done anything this weekend except drive around, grill out, and spend time with family. Yesterday I hung out with my mother and we went to Wal Mart to buy her mother's day present, which was a grill, a chimney, and some charcoal; we grilled out steaks on it last night after I put it together. Today I took her over a flat of flowers, because she said she wanted to plant something, and we went out for lunch at this place that I've been driving by for weeks and dying to try. It's a little Mexican restaurant and take-out on Gallatin Road named, quite simply, after its menu items. It's a run-down little place but the draw is its smell. They have a ginormous oil drum barbecue outside on which they are grilling whole chickens night and day and as you drive by, the smell seeps into your soul. Now, you know how I feel about grilled chicken these days, so I just had to try it. I persuaded my mother to step outside of her usual let's-get-take-out routine and actually come with me to this place. We shared a whole grilled chicken, with rice, beans, salad, and tortillas for $11, and it is one of the best meals I have ever had. Wow, it was truly delicious. I am definitely going back.

I have had an affinity lately for restaurants named after menu items: there's my new favourite - Tacos Y Mariscos Y Pollo Al Carbon and the similarly named House of Gyro, Salad, and Hamburger. I think this naming trend might be something to look out for on my constant search for good and unusual cheap eats in Nashville.

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